Monitoring is an activity to monitor computer systems. This activity, essential for the proper functioning of an infrastructure, specifically allows:

  • Availability of equipment or services to be measured
  • The performance of these same elements to be measured
  • The overall consistency of an infrastructure to be validated
  • An incident to be anticipated before it occurs

In order for it to be high-performance and above all relevant, a monitoring infrastructure requires extensive knowledge of information systems. This type of tool also requires ongoing maintenance and update work in order to remain reliable over time.

This activity, despite the fact that it is essential, can prove to be costly, in both time and resources.

Full, targeted and consistent monitoring of your equipment and services

A real-time incident notification system

A Cloud dashboard that can be accessed anywhere in the world, wherever you are

Why decentralised monitoring?


The Easy Monitoring decentralised monitoring solution enables these constraints to be bypassed by delegating this task while retaining all the advantages of monitoring.

  • Full, targeted and consistent monitoring of your equipment and services
  • A “dashboard” display in real time of the status of your infrastructure from anywhere in the world
  • An incident notification system, enabling you to be warned of any anomaly within your infrastructure

You can also benefit:

  • From a team of professionals to support you in defining your monitoring models and their development
  • From ongoing updates to the solution in order to remain at the cutting edge of technology

Access to your dashboard, no matter where you are!

How does it work?

You have our relay equipment in your network. This carries out the acquisition of data from your entire infrastructure. This data is then sent securely to our centralised monitoring infrastructure in order to be processed and interpreted. The decision-making workflow enables the monitoring solution to decide if it is necessary to warn you about any anomaly.

At any time, no matter where you are, you can see the entire status of your infrastructure using our “dashboard”.

  • View the performance of some control points graphically.
  • Manage incident detection (acknowledge an incident currently being resolved, for example)
  • Anticipate the detection of an anomaly (for example, temporarily switching off a piece of equipment as part of maintenance)
  • Obtain an event history over time and status of a control points in the past
  • And even more!
